Date of Approval:March , 2023 (unanimous email vote)
A complete copy of the Bylaws and Rules is available here:

Summary of Amendments
- Adopted April 28, 2016, subject to addition of language regarding successor to President, breaking ties when voting, registration fee, Conflict of Interest Policy, and grammatical revisions.
- Amended December 15, 2016, to include new board positions and provisions for payment of person for website administration/registration/scheduling.
- Amended March 2, 2017, to include rule changes related to kicks taken in front of the plate, illegal pitches, infield fly rule, and out of bounds areas. All passed on voice vote at annual meeting.
- Amended March 12, 2018, to add position of vice president, revise language allowing greater flexibility with registration, increase allowed petty cash to $500, and clarify rule regarding a runner intentionally hitting/kicking the ball.
- Amended March 12, 2019, to revise language regarding a runner taking an extra base when a ball goes out of play, capping the number of free agents who may sign up together, and clarify other language.
- Amended Mar 25, 2021, incorporating changes from 2020 annual meeting (regarding illegal players on rosters, forfeits, etc.), appointing Shelly White as Treasurer, Devon Lopez as Secretary, and Derek Watt and Morgan Busse as captain representatives, adding 'no bunting' rule for a team up 8 runs or more.
- Amended March 16, 2022, to incorporate rule changes including no runner on second base in extra innings, allowing extra innings during regular season if time, amending â??illegal kickâ?? rule, changing tie breaker to run differential, clarifying rules regarding safety base and fouls.
- Amended March __, 2023, to incorporate rule changes regarding announcing of â??infield fly ruleâ?? and out of bounds areas, appointing Andy Maxwell as Vice President and Glen Morris as Official Rep, updating official address, Board of Directors term limits, registration fee increase,